Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello and thank you for taking interest in my blog. If you have not yet had the chance, let me tell you a little about myself and why I have decided to write start a blog.

Not to long ago I was laid off like so many others have been in this economy. My jobs search started out like this:
1st. I updated my resume and posted it all over local job searches, monster jobs, career builder, etc.
2nd. I started looking into craigslist, but found a majority of jobs in my area did not seem like real jobs so I was hesitant to apply
3rd. I asked friends if they knew anyone that was hiring.

I thought I was off to a good start, I was diligent in my search efforts and was sure that I would have a new (and hopefully better) job in no time! I mean, I knew the economy was in a recession, but I assumed since I had lasted so long, that I was recession proof.

What a joke that was! My resume's posted on job searches seemed to be lost in a "Cyberspace Black Hole" almost as soon as I hit the submit button, because I never once received any call backs for interviews.I was getting desperate, my rainy day fund was running low, and bills were racking up.

Finally, a sliver of hope came through my rainy day...more like rainy months. An online company promising me real work with a high return! Oh I knew about the scams, but this seemed so REAL and HONEST and they didn't ask for a large fee, all I needed to do was buy the initial start up kit to get me started, then after I sold those products I was guaranteed to have enough money to buy more products (at their wholesale cost) so that I can sell those.

Well, I know about Overhead costs for businesses so it seemed reasonable to have to invest a little initially so I did. And guess what?!

I never received my product! Not only that but now these scammers had my credit card. My emails went unreturned, my calls were connected to a disconnected number, and they were charging me overhead fees, sales fees, site fees, you name it! The only thing I could do was cancel my card.

Oh I tried to report them, but to no avail, I was informed they were most likely overseas and completely untrackable. I was told to take it as a valuable lesson, give up and be thankful that I hadn't lost more.

That was the fuel to my fire! I can't get my money back, I can't get help, and if I just sit idle then the scammer's have won. So here I am, trying to make a small difference in the large and intimitadating world wide web.

My blog will cover the the best and worst of web companies as I see them, I am in no way claiming to be an expert, but I will cover relevant topics relating to employment, unemployment, tips to getting employed, etc. I hope my blog will become the "Go-To" for online employment advice.

And even if it helps just one person be saved from a scam or find a job then I will classify this blog as a success and will sleep happy.

Enjoy and Welcome!

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