Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get Rid of Negative Thoughts to See Positive Results!

Having a positive attitude is a common attribute found in people with better health, happier relationships, and low stress. Were you aware that it takes more muscles to frown than smile? Your body expends more energy when you focus on negative thoughts. Worrying over the inevitable and stressing things you have no control over has now become linked to illnesses like heart disease and can even cause early death. A growing number of psychologists agree that focusing on the positive, as opposed to dwelling on the negative, will help increase your well being and overall quality of life.

There are many stressful influences that can affect a person's day to day life. When you factor in children, bills, relationships or work, it can be difficult to consistently have a positive attitude. You must learn to shift the way you approach problems before you can begin to change your attitude about them.  Here are a few ways to deal with the negativity you may encounter.

1. Look for the silver lining. The most successful people have "can do" attitudes. They see opportunities instead of objections in even the toughest of situations. If you notice yourself saying or thinking negative thoughts, try to think of something positive to say in their place.

2. Be respectful. Especially with email contacts; a customer can sense your tone in the way your message flows. You do not want to lose a sale because your tone is putting off the customer. It can be difficult at times but treat your all customers with respect. This is not saying you should let them walk over you but if you speak to them respectfully, even in the most stressful situations, you will usually receive the same respect in return. Once you get in the habit of speaking to others respectfully, it will become second nature. Try to use Please and Thank you in your everyday speech to get in the habit.

3. Focus on your strengths. You may not be the best at math or budgeting but great at creativity and sales. Take more time working on what is difficult for you but do not get frustrated or give up. No one is good at everything. Just remind yourself of your strengths and use that positive energy to get you through the tasks you may not excel at. If you are repeatedly dwelling on what you are not great at those negative thoughts will eventually consume you when working on the tasks you are good at. 

4. No Excuses! Take responsibility for your work. If you do not have a productive day, do not blame anyone but yourself. Figure out why your day wasn't productive and what you can do to change it so it doesn't become a habit. Take ownership of your mistakes, resolve them, learn from them and do not dwell on them.

5. Be true to yourself. Do not change your core values for anyone.  Disappointment and negative feelings  come from when you compromise yourself. These guilty feeling will affect your productivity. Don't let anyone overstep their boundaries; if they have you should let them know in a kind and respectful way.

6. Time is valuable. If you are in a negative mood you are wasting time and being unproductive. Stop focusing on your negative thoughts before your whole day has been wasted. Read a funny joke or inspirational quote,  give yourself a compliment, take a deep breath and count to ten. What ever you do change your attitude you need to do ASAP!

7.  Track you time. It is good to have a daily task or chore list of things you need to get done, but it is equally good to have a separate list of everything you have accomplished for the day. Instead of dwelling on the tasks you have not completed by the end of your work day, look at all the tasks you have accomplished. This will help end your day on a positive instead of a negative and make you eager to accomplish even more the next day.

8. Be thankful. Your customers do not have to buy from you, it is their choice. Recognize that and what their sale means to you such as: help pay bills or afford luxuries. Thank them for choosing you, let them know that you value their service and you hope they will remember you for future purchases. Studies have shown that people are intrinsically rewarded when they reward someone else. By personalizing your sales you not only make the profit but you have that tingly feeling you get when you know you have made someone else feel good as well. That customer is more likely to remember your company over another for future purchases.

9. Enjoy the little things. Unfortunately, most people have a tendency to remember the negative things that have happened in their day and forget the positives. Try to make note of all the little positive events that happened. It could be something as small as not getting any mail, because no mail means no bills right? In the beginning it may be hard to recognize the little things but as you get in the habit of focusing on them you will find that you will spend less time noticing the bad.

10. Smile. Smiling and laughing produces endorphins that help relieve stress and create a feeling of well-being. However this only happens if your smile is genuine. A real smile can be stimulated by happy thoughts, memories or sounds. You can also produce a real smile if you see or hear something funny. If you feel negative thoughts coming take a quick break to refocus your mindset by thinking of something that makes you feel good.

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